Kira Mac

Kira Mac is a musical collective made up,they proudly proclaim,of misfits from different corners of the country, from Stoke to Hull, who met by chance in Manchester back in 2018. Named after their eponymous frontwoman, Kira Mac are a band built on straight-up old school blues rock riffs given modern edge, a tonne of flair, soul and intense double shots of rock ‘n’ roll. Using twinned powerhouse vocals plus a killer guitar lead, they form a force to be reckoned with.Kira Mac herself is an established writer and vocalist, who went on to Create the songs with guitarist Joe Worrall. That has now evolved into the band today, powered by the driving force of original song writing and the unique sounds and stylings that the band produces, with Vern Whitmore (Bass), and Loz Riley (Drums) in the line-up.The band’s raw talent and accomplished tone is built from grassroots and the love of eclectic sounds and acoustic skills. As a collective, and hive mind, they’ve absorbed influences from great bands and artists that came before them, being raised in particular on old school rock, blues, and everything else in-between.